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Detox at Experience Recovery

Detox is the first step in the recovery journey. Our team wishes to make it as seamless, comfortable, and effective as possible. Learn more about detox by contacting Experience Recovery today.
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Drug Detox in Orange County

Sunny Orange County is a place to relax and unwind, but it is also a place to get needed help if you want to find freedom from drug addiction. Experience Recovery offers drug detox in Orange County to help those wanting to be sober reach this achievement in the safest, healthiest, and most effective way.
Experience Recovery provides several treatment programs for those dealing with all types of addictions, led by highly trained healthcare professionals and counselors who want to ensure that you not only reach sobriety but maintain it for years to come.

What is a Drug Detox?

Drug detox (detoxification) is a process of removing an addictive substance from your body, which is usually done inside a professional healthcare facility. This is usually done through the cessation of the drug entirely or going cold turkey.
Detoxing takes time for the body to not only remove all the addictive drugs from a person’s system but also for the person to overcome the symptoms of withdrawal from the body’s cravings for the drug and its high.



Orange County Addiction Statistics

Fentanyl continues its deadly assault on California, as deaths from the illicit drug have jumped ten-fold from 2015 to 2019. The amount of amphetamine-related ER visits has also jumped 50% between 2018-2020, as has non-heroin-related opioid ER visits. In 2017 alone, Orange County recorded over 5,500 hospitalizations because of overdoses and drug-related poisoning.
For those who realized they needed help and had entered into an Orange County rehab, over 50% of these individuals went to outpatient treatment programs, while 44% of the individuals went into residential programs that were thirty days or longer. The main drug of choice for nearly half of those entering rehab is methamphetamine (50% for women and 41% for men). Other drugs mentioned during rehab admission include heroin, alcohol, and marijuana.
Twenty-one percent of men going into drug treatment in Orange County are for heroin abuse, while 23% of those admitted into an Orange County treatment center also deal with a co-occurring mental health condition.

Drug Detox Withdrawal Symptoms

Drug withdrawal symptoms range depending on the type of drug being detoxed and how the drugs affect the brain and give people a similar high or pleasure that might come from working out, spending time with loved ones, and maybe eating your favorite foods.
  • For amphetamines, common withdrawal symptoms include increased appetite, depression, vivid dreams, fatigue, slower movements, and irritability, probably from aches and pains.
  • Symptoms of withdrawal from benzodiazepines include hallucinations, seizures, tremors, agitation, and anxiety.
  • The withdrawal symptoms of marijuana include anxiety, agitation, depression, stomach pains, sweats, and tremors.
  • For heroin/opioids, muscle aches, insomnia, depression, agitation, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, yawning, and sweating can occur.



Is it Safe to Detox at Home?

Because people can feel ashamed at having to detox from drug addiction, some wonder if detoxing at home would provide more comfort in this difficult time.
However, complications could arise that would warrant the need for medical help and a hospital, as well as access to your drug of choice that could result in an overdose.
If you have decided to take the steps for drug detox, it is best to select a qualified drug treatment center in Orange County, such as Experience Recovery Detox Program, that can not only provide a safe and comfortable facility for you to go through detox but the medical professionals that can assist in every way.

What to Expect at Our Drug Detox in Orange County?

When you come to our Experience Recovery treatment facility in Orange County, you will immediately feel you will not go through this difficult time alone. Our addiction specialist physician will be the first to meet with you and your family to create a personalized treatment plan that will provide for your medical needs.
Patients have the option of taking part in our residential program at our own facility or going through our outpatient program. But as will be explained upon the first meeting, for detoxification purposes, we recommend that you stay at our facility for the duration of your detox to make sure it is handled with the medical care and attention that you deserve.

How Does Drug Detox Work in Orange County?

The first step is meeting with the Experience Recovery addiction specialist physician to be evaluated and to establish the proper medical treatment plan that will be the best for you.
Once you are admitted, you will go through your detoxification process with 24/7 monitored care by our licensed medical professionals, who can provide science-based medications and care to make sure your detox goes through with as little discomfort as possible.
After the detoxification process is complete, you will then move forward with the treatment plan set up between you and the addiction specialist physician. It could be for the residential program that takes place on our closed campus facility, our outpatient program that allows for conveniences of treatment around work and family obligations, and other programs we offer.

How Long Does Drug Detox Last in Orange County, CA?

Although it would help to know the exact amount of time you will be undergoing your drug detox, there is no one-size-fits-all for the detox process. Depending on the type of drug you are detoxing from, the amount of time you were abusing the drug, and how much and often you used the drug, the time for your detoxification process to be complete will vary, just as with the variety of withdrawal symptoms.

What Happens After a Drug Detox in Orange County?

Once you have successfully completed your detoxification program, you will take steps to start the next phase of your recovery program. If you are following the Experience Recovery residential care program, you will then be brought to our closed campus facility, where our team of medical professionals and licensed counselors will assist in programs, nutritional and exercise routines, and therapies, such as CBT, family therapy and holistic therapies, to help you return to a healthier life free of drugs.
If you participate in the outpatient program, you will still be required to attend support group meetings, therapy sessions, and any additional outpatient care while handling any home or work obligations.
It is important not to stop your program before it is completed, or you could prevent yourself from reaching full recovery and freedom from the drugs you are addicted to.



Why is a Drug Detox Necessary?

The time of detoxing from a drug is a vulnerable and life-altering time as you come to grips with the drug you are addicted to and move forward toward a drug-free life.
With our Experience Recovery detox program in Orange County, we know your needs as you go through detoxification, patient treatment care, and finally, maintaining your sobriety. Every step of your treatment program has been backed by science to follow effective strategies to ensure you will reach sobriety and can maintain it.
Our medical staff and licensed counselors have taken part in hundreds of successful detox programs, making sure you are safe and comfortable through 24/7 monitoring care and the proper medication to make your detoxing more bearable to complete.

Drug Detox in Orange County, CA

Detoxing from drugs that were once ways to get through life can be challenging and overwhelming, but know that Experience Recovery provides outpatient drug detox in Orange County that can make this difficult process easier to overcome. Contact us today to immediately speak to one of our addiction and detox counselors. Make the choice today to be drug-free!


Recover in Comfort

We're here to listen, understand your challenges, and provide personalized guidance as you explore professional detox options. Our admissions team is ready to support you, whether you're seeking treatment, need advice, or just want someone to talk to.