What is Xanax?

Benzodiazepine or “Xanax is a type of medication that is used to treat anxiety, depression or panic disorders and works to balance out the chemicals in our brain. It belongs to the group of drugs known as benzodiazepines and it is currently the most prescribed anxiety medication that is used in the United States.

SuperUser Account, Friday, November 22, 2024

Returning to Work After Addiction Recovery

Recovery is a journey, not a destination—and eventually, that journey will lead you out of inpatient treatment and back into “regular” life. This means returning to work, even as you continue to work on your sobriety. That’s a daunting proposition, which is why after care and transitional living can be such important parts of the recovery journey. It’s vital to continue working on your coping and stress management skills before you head back to the office.

SuperUser Account, Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Opioid Addiction and Pain Management Issues

For those with real, chronic pain issues, relief can seem hard to come by. That’s why, when doctors recommend prescription painkillers—many of them opioids—it’s often very welcome. Over time, however, opioid painkillers can lead to problems of their own. In fact, opioid addiction is a nationwide epidemic, and it’s not uncommon for it to begin with a perfectly innocent, normal, and legal attempt to mitigate pain.

SuperUser Account, Wednesday, November 13, 2024
